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United Way Success Story: Jill Holloway

United Way Success Story: Jill Holloway

A warm bed, clean clothes, healthy meals and counseling are luxury items, and are as rare as they come if you are a recovering drug user.

Jill Holloway was blessed with the gift of a second chance provided by the team at The Salvation Army’s emergency shelter. These items were exactly what she needed to get back on her feet. The Salvation Army assisted Jill with her resume. They provided her with proper work attire, job training and the transportation she needed to find a respectable job and hold on to it. Jill received personalized counseling to overcome her destructive behaviors.

As a result Jill now maintains a good salary, and at the end of the day she has her own cozy apartment to call home. The Salvation Army even helped Jill obtain cookware, silverware and dinnerware, and a voucher for furnishings for her new place. But possibly the most sacred thing of all was a surrogate family within The Salvation Army when she had lost the trust of her own.


Published on November 15, 2011

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